Middle Management Skills

Creative Thinking and Problem Solving

This course builds on the Problem Solving Skills course and gives you more tools and ideas on how to find creative solutions for problems and instill a problem solving culture in your team, department or organisation. This will further your understanding of the tools and models you can use to make improvements and encourage others to look for them too.

Course Content

  • Beginning with the basics of creativity and Organisational Culture
  • The Six Hats
  • Blocking and Blockbusting techniques
  • PDSA (Plan - Do - Study - Act) and Checklists
  • Criteria Analysis - Forcefield Analysis - Fishbone Analysis
  • Tools and Techniques
  • Concentration Diagrams and Flowcharts
  • Frequency Distribution
  • Tampering
  • Stable and Unstable Systems
  • Common and Special Causes
  • Measurement (Control Charts)
  • Kaizen for Team Solutions

Benefits to the Individual

  • Better problem resolution
  • Resolve very complex problems
  • More creative solutions
  • Multiple solutions to problems
  • Less time spent dealing with problems

Benefits to the Company

  • Better problem resolution
  • Resolve very complex problems
  • More creative solutions
  • Multiple solutions to problems
  • Less time spent dealing with problems

Course Duration


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